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Sunday, April 06, 2003

Bah today's the 6th. I was gonna try to post something before it had been a WHOLE MONTH since my last one! Oh well.

Not a lot to tell anyways. Did some Gordon-ing, found a lil bug in Electris where the music stops after you minimize it, etc. I never did get around to making that "Downloads" page, for other stuff I've done. Maybe now that I remembered it from writing this post, I'll get back on that. ;) I need to update the Bio page as well, because I remember some other stuff I did over the years.

I've mostly just been working on an IRC client lately. I know that mIRC is pretty much the best one you could ever use, but I've wanted to make my own just for the heck of it for a while now, so I'm finally giving it a go. Turned out to be more complicated than I originally thought. I had to subclass the Richedit control, and do some weird workarounds to get it to do some of the things I wanted. I think I have the window processing and such taken care of for the most part. Now I just have to go through and handle the DOZENS AND DOZENS of IRC numeric responses. Such fun! I want to make this program work very similar to the script I wrote for mIRC, though. I thought I might add some "fun" things while I'm at it. ;)

I've had a few other small projects/games pop into my head lately, so who knows what I'll tinker with next.