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Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Well much to my dismay, I woke up the moring after I posted the last entry to find that my mother decided we didn't need an animal making a mess everywhere (and chewing on everything), and had called animal control to come pick him up. As you might imagine, I was very pissed off. Lord knows if anyone adopted him, or if he was put to sleep. I pray he found a home with people who will actually give him a chance. I'll miss him.

I got Half-Life: Blue-Shift today. It was as fun as the original Half-Life, despite having some very hard puzzles at some points (one of which I finally had to look in a walkthrough for). Who would ever think to pull a metal barrel across the room to complete the circuit on a cut detonator wire? The game was way too short though... I beat it already. Definately recommended for any Half-Life fans that haven't tried it. Plus it comes with the full Opposing Force, which includes a single player mode. You also get a high definition texture and weapons upgrade pack if you want to install it, making the game look a lot better.

I've been wanting ot program something lately, but just don't know what. Electris was one of those projects where I really wanted to work on it a lot and make it fun and playable. I never did finish up the cosmetic things I wanted to (and add in that extra music), but once the game was released, I think the thing clicked in my mind to say "It's done!", so I lost the urge to keep working on it. One day I'll finish everything on it though. I messed with it some not too long ago.

I also want to write fiction.. and even do a web comic of some sort. Though whenever I think I'll do it, something else comes up. Then I'm busy at other times when I think of doing it. I want lots of content to actually make this site worth coming to, aside from my witty news entries. hehe

Anyway I'll get to all that sometime. I just need to update the website first and foremost, and add in some other pages. I thought I'd put in a Links page so you all could check out the places I go to often. I also want to make that page to download the Multi-Boot Rebooter...