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Friday, November 15, 2002

Wee, no more cold. I probably won't catch another for say, oh, a year or so. Though having said that, I probably just jinxed myself.

If you wanna see the no-frames version of the main page I've whipped together, check out

None of the buttons work, but it's just to get an idea. It looks kind of bare, so I may do something with it. But it uses a template, so that I can use the main border for all the other pages without doing all the extra work. The only thing I'll have to work out is how I'm going to add the web log into one of the pages, but I think I've got that figured out. At some point I'll probably switch the entire site over at once to the different format. The reason is because when someone goes directly to one of the pages, they don't get the navigation bar or anything. I could put links on each page, but that's not the same. So we'll see how this works out.

I'll try to whip up a page for the Multi-Boot Rebooter while I'm at it.

I've been in a Half-Life mood lately. Been playing that multiplayer, along with Team Fortress. They're fun, as long as the cheaters stay away. I mean come on, how does a shotgun blast kill you, when it's not a headshot, not a super-shot, and the person wasn't even close to you? It happened several times, too. Until I changed servers, that is. And in the last server I played on, I got kicked off as the levels switched, because apparently being in second place when I wasn't a member of their little group was a bad thing. hehe.

Well I'm gonna hit the sack. Let me know what you think of the newer design. Or throw any suggestions my way if you've got'em.