Latest News

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Not a lot to mention. I've still been working on my 2d engine in Direct3d. I discovered some pretty cool things I can do, which I might stick into Electris. What if the whole screen rotated slowly in different directions at times while you played? Could be fun. What's even more fun is how DOZ is coming along. At this rate, I'll spend more time testing it (aka playing) than working.

I decided that since I seem to have so many opinions about so many things, that I would just start an opinion blog (that's a web log for anyone who doesn't know). I haven't put any links to it up on the site because I haven't created a template or anything yet. I'll stick it up on here soon, whenever I finally update the site and make some of the other things work. I'll also create an extra message board section for people to comment on the things I rant about. I just figured that since so many people (a lot of which from online) like to shove their opinions at me, that I would create a place where I could freely complain and comment about things, and if people don't like what I have to say, they can either speak up, or get over it.

So before I offend anyone else, that's it for now. ;)