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Thursday, September 05, 2002

Electris v1.1 released!

Go to the Electris page to get your copy now. You'll also see the new features, and some of the possible problems as well. If you run into any of those, let me know your hardware configuration, as best to your knowledge. Hopefully I can get the bugs worked out for everyone. And if anyone finds any new problems, or things they just don't think seem right, then make sure to let me know.

Also, there's still only one music tracks. And it's the same one. The one nobody seems to like but me. But I wanted to get this release out, and worry about music later. With this release, you can just turn the music off if ya don't like it!

Like I said in my last post, I won't start charging for the game. It'll be free now on. And I'll keep working on it until it's polished, and feels like a solid game all around. I would never make a game I didn't enjoy playing, and I must admit, Electris has managed to keep me entertained. hehe. My only gripe at the moment is the top scores display. But I already have a cool idea for that....

Oh and just so you know... the redirecting service I've been using seems to be screwed up today. I wonder how many other times it hasn't worked. The whole point in me getting the address was so that whenever I change hosts, I can just switch it to point to the new address, and nobody would have to worry about not finding the site. But for now, if doesn't work, just use Maybe I'll look for a new redirector.