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Thursday, August 29, 2002

Well that's real bright of me. I edited the Electris page about a week ago, and then I forgot to upload it afterwards. So all this time the old page has been sitting there, even with the title misspelled. Blah. I'm still accepting beta testers though. Look at the Electris page for info.

And since I've been asked... no, I didn't mean to say "log" last time instead of "blog". A blog is a web log. There's lots of'em out there. I use Blogger. Click their little button down at the bottom of this page to check'em out. I haven't used any other blogging sites, but this is one of the best from what I hear.

I changed the button bar over on the left in case ya hadn't noticed. Despite the obvious addition of a cool background and plasma effect(cut out of the larger image I rendered which I also got the Flash background from), I went from a solid image and cutting out hotspots, to using a layer with seperate buttons inside. This will let me delete/add buttons a hell of a lot easier(since I plan to add more later). I also deactivated the Message Board button for now.

And yeah I know, I'm slacking off about putting up the Artwork link. I just need to dig out all the stuff worth putting up, create thumbnails, create a page, make it look half-decent, upload it all, etc etc, blah blah. I was thinking about the extra bandwidth viewing all those full-size images would take up. It probably wouldn't be all that much, but I might stick the full images on another server. Plus I'd rather not use too much of my disk space on this server.

Anyone have any experience with MIDI hardware? I was trying to make a pc to pc midi "crossover" cable, so I could play stuff on one machine, and record it on another. I don't have anymore joystick connectors though, so I was having to stick wires into the holes on the gameport, which was certainly a pain in my skinny ass. When I realized I would never get them into the other computer because of where it's sitting, I gave up, since I don't even know if it would work. From what I read though, you cross pins 12 and 15, and connect pin 5. Maybe I'll try again sometime when I'm not ready to throw both computers violently through a window.