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Monday, June 23, 2003

Believe it or not, but I finally finished up v1.2 of Electris. After looking in the code and thinking about what exactly I needed to do to get the new version done, I realized it wasn't gonna take much time at all. So I finished up the loose ends and tada, v1.2 is done. I still didn't add multiple music tracks, but at least the Ogg Vorbis support is there, along with the full version of the original track.

In any case, go to the Electris page to download a copy.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Woo look at that, I did some updatin'! I finally added that Downloads page (though a couple of the links don't work at the moment). I also touched up the Bio page, and added in the years 1999 and 2000. Note that the "Main" button is now gone, for space reasons, but you can click the Planet Zentax button above the bar there and get back to the main page just the same now.

I worked on Gordon #4 some more, and actually got some inspiration for part of the story. I ripped the sprites and backgrounds I needed (for the moment), so hopefully I'll get that finished up soon. I just hope I have all the sound effects I need, cause it sucks trying to get those recorded from the SNES.

I've just been in a "real life" mood lately, and the computer seemed about as interesting to me as a toaster. When I was actually on the net, I mostly just checked email so my accounts wouldn't fill up, and looked over my daily sites. Well, and played some lan games of Counter-Strike, but that didn't involve the internet, so they don't count. ;)

Anyways, MacGyver is on, so that's enough yackin for now.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

I am a very bad non-posting person lately. Well, mostly cause there's not much of anything TO post. But I thought if I started to type, something would find it's way out.

Lessee.. I worked on Gordon some. I need to find where I put my roms and such since I need to rip more backgrounds. Whenever I do that, I'll try and make myself work on it some more. I've just felt lazy with that whole thing.

Playing single-player against bots in Counter-Strike is more fun that against strangers online, if you ask me.

I've just been going to bed earlier lately. Since I used to do most of my work at night, I just hadn't gotten around to much of anything lately. Though I still feel tired most of the day though, so a lot of good changing my schedule did. ;)

I have that itchy feeling to make something, though. My mind is back at the graphical DOZ thing again. But I like the whole idea of a starship simulation or something. I've toyed with that idea for a long time. Whether it ends up as a DOZ thing or not is yet to be seen. But I think micro-managing a ship could be fun. Doing repairs, upgrades, etc.

Anyway, at this rate, I won't get much of anything done on any of that programming-wise in the immediate future, but I'd need more idea-making time first anyway before I tried to code anything. There's prolly other things I meant to ramble about on here, but I'm tired, so I'm off to bed now. *poof*